


聯系人: 沈先生

電 話: 0571-56191170

傳 真: 0571-56191105

網 址:www.kpqenic.cn

地 址: 杭州市上城區秋濤路8號中國針織城C2020室

當前位置: 首頁 > 公司簡介

凡絲堂,由具有三十年從業資歷的絲綢面料專家沈鵬先生領銜主持。豐富的行業經驗積淀了對絲綢坯布的準確把握、長期的執業資歷見證了對絲綢印染工藝的深刻理解,體系化的加工印染企業管理水平集合了產業鏈上的優質資源,年輕化高素質的員工團隊保障了公司隨時響應客戶需求的執行效率。 “深入解析客戶需求,專門滿足客戶定制”是凡絲堂長期贏得客戶惠顧的業務理念。多年來,在緞、紡、縐、色織、提花、交織六大類絲綢面料,特別是包含素縐緞、彈力緞、雙縐、喬其、電力紡、雙宮等在內的三十多種品類的設計、定制、監制能力,已經積累了包括香港、深圳、寧波、北京、上海等全國大中城市及法國、意大利等海外國家的客戶群體。 凡絲堂致力于成為中國絲綢面料定制服務商的新銳先鋒,正在以“凡絲綢當別致”的品牌理念,對目前的研發定制能力和六大品類的面料執行能力進行圍繞客戶個性化需求縱深發展的整合,在新的業務進程中,完善和發展小眾化的精準定制服務體系,不斷的為客戶的個性化經營創造新的價值。

Fansilktone is under the leadership of Mr. .Shen Peng, a specialist with more than 30 years working experience in the silk and fabric industry. Rich industry experience accumulates an accurate command of silk and fabric; Long-term working qualification witness a profound understanding of silk dyeing technics; Systematic management of processing and dyeing enterprises helps integrate high quality resources on the industrial value chain; Young and high quality employee team ensures maximum executive efficiency in response to customer demands any time.

"Analyzing the demand of our customers in great depth and customizing in conformity with HongKong,Shenzhen,Ningbo,Beijing and Shanghai as well as from foreign countries as the taste of our customers". Due to this operation principle of fansilktone, we are always winning a heavy patronage from our customers. Over the past years, we have established strong relationship with customers from medium and large domestic cities such as France, Italy, America, India and so on, a great success up to the design, customizing and supervising capability of the six kinds of silk, that is Satin,Habotai,Crepe.Yarn-dyed silk fabrics, Silk Jacquards, Mixed silk fabrics, especially of more than 30 kinds of products including Crepe Satin, Spandex Satin, Double Georgette, Georgette, Habitat, Doupion Silk.

Fansilktone devotes itself to becoming the pioneer of the silk customizing service industry in china. "Silk means delicacy."Under this slogan,Fansilktone is now integrating the vertical development of researching and customizing capacity and executing capacity of the six kinds of silk, adhering to individual taste of our customers. In our new operation process, Fansilktone aims at boosting the quality of the accurate customizing system and creating new value for personalized operation of our customers.




聯系人:沈先生 ? 電話:0571-56191170 ? 郵箱:fansi@fansilktone.com


版權所有:杭州凡絲絲綢有限公司 ?

